Thursday ،Mar 27, 2025، 16:16
Medical Procurement Organization / About Us / Managing Director's Message


 Managing Director’s message;

As a pharmaceutical and medical devices’ holding company, Medical Procurement Organization of the Iranian Red Crescent Society has taken significant measures in producing pharmaceuticals and single-use medical devices. It has endeavored to be the executive arm of the Iranian Red Crescent society in the field of healthcare. Medical Procurement Organization has certainly had a unique role in the Islamic Republic of Iran’s development vision plan. Soha Complex is determined and struggles for Iran’s honor and pride. Alleviating peoples’ miseries, minimizing the concerns for the availability of pharmaceutical products and increasing the health indices are among the priorities of IRCS and MPO’s authorities. By considering its own and IRCS’s major goals, MPO has had a significant role in the fields of pharmaceuticals, treatment, healthcare and wellness of the society. With this respect, this organization has predicted the necessity for utilizing its full capacity and existing facilities for producing high-quality pharmaceuticals and medical devices. In addition, rendering services to all people, especially the deprived ones, is among its long-term plans. Some related measures have been taken by this organization in order to fulfill these goals. By utilizing our current capabilities, we hope we would be able to have a greater role in the health and wellness of the society.