Organizational Structure Medical Procurement Organization [[ Translate ]][[ Translate ]] Board of Directors [Chairman of the Board][Vice-Chaiman of the Board][Board Members][[ Translate ]][[ Translate ]] Managing Director [Managing Director][[ Translate ]][[ Translate ]] Consultants Strategic Council [Members of Strategic Council][Advisor of Managing Director In Administrative Reform and Process Improvement] َAdministration of Performance Evaluation and Responding to Complaints [Director General] Head of Office Security Administration [Director General][[ Translate ]] Administration of Legal Affairs [Acting Manager][[ Translate ]] Public Relations and International Affairs [Manager][[ Translate ]] Budget and Assemblies [Acting Manager][[ Translate ]] IT [Manager] Subsidiary Companies Helal Iran Medical Devices Company [[ Translate ]] Soha Pharmaceutical Company Soha Kish Commercial Company [[ Translate ]] Soha Helal Distribution Company [[ Translate ]] Soha Jissa Agro-Industry and Processing of Herbal Plants Company Deputy for development of management and resources [Deputy] Human Resources Administration [Director General][[ Translate ]] Finance and Budget Manager [Director General][[ Translate ]][[ Translate ]] Internal Audit [Head of Office] Deputy of Economy and Strategic Planning [Deputy][[ Translate ]]